There are a variety of incidents that may occur on campus that the university has the resources to respond to and take care of. If any of the following incidents occur, please contact University Police at 828.232.5000 to respond and call out an EH&S or Emergency Management representative.
- Chemical Spill
- Blood/Biohazard Spill
- Illegal Dumping – this includes anyone (including University employees/contractors) putting anything into a storm drain.
- Unknown Odor
- Natural Gas Odor
- Safety Hazard- this includes any hazards indoors or outdoors that you perceive to pose a safety risk.
If you see a suspicious person, please call University Police at 828.232.5000. If you see a fire, activate the fire alarm and call 911.
Elements of Good Preparation
Have you taken steps to prepare for an emergency? According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), three elements of good preparation are:
- Being Informed. Learn about the potential emergencies that can happen where you live and know the appropriate ways to respond to them.
- Making a Plan. Your family may not be together when disaster strikes, so it is important to plan what you would do in different situations. How would you get to a safe place? How would you contact one another and get back together?
- Building a Kit. Find a list of suggested items to include in an emergency supply kit.
Taking these steps could help you and your family in the event of an emergency.